

ホーム > イベント情報 > オープンセミナー > 2023年度 第2回オープンセミナーQTLs and Genes for Salt Stress Tolerance of Rice:A Journey from Seed to Seed Continued「イネ耐塩性に寄与するQTLと遺伝子:種子から種子へと続く旅」


2023年度 第2回オープンセミナー
QTLs and Genes for Salt Stress Tolerance of Rice:
A Journey from Seed to Seed Continued



開催日時 2023年7月26日(水)15:30-17:00
開催場所 名古屋大学 農学部 第7講義室
開催形式 対面
講演者 Dr. Vandna Rai
Principal Scientist/ Professor
National Institute for Plant Biotechnology, Pusa, New Delhi
言語 英語
参加費 無料(どなたでもご参加いただけます)
お問合せ e-mail:icrea[at]agr.nagoya-u.ac.jp ([at] → @)

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a crucial crop contributing to global food security. Several QTL mapping studies for salinity tolerance have been reported. However, QTLs and markers flanking QTLs for salinity tolerance are not utilized in breeding programs. The main reason is attributed to the large chromosome intervals delimited by those QTLs. Thus, identifying the candidate genes and understanding the salinity tolerance mechanism remained challenging. Identifying markers linked to genes contributing to salinity tolerance during reproduction provides opportunities to breed high-yielding rice varieties for salt stress-affected areas. This study aims to identify genomic regions contributing to salt tolerance at the reproductive stage in rice by using a high-density linkage map.
