International Center for Research and Education in Agriculture, Nagoya University


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Evaluation of root adaption to soil environments with water and nutrient stress in rice : Asst. Prof. Mana Kano-Nakata

Asst. Prof. Mana Kano-Nakata

To establish stable and sustainable crop production under unfavorable soil environments is an important issue. As a trait related to crop stress tolerance, in recent years attention has been focused on root traits, which have been retrenched requiring a great deal of time and effort. The root system architecture and anatomy change in response to changing soil environments. We are undertaking research on root system structure and its physiological function for adaption to soil environmental stress such as drought and nitrogen deficiency, mainly focusing on rice. We are also investigating the methods for evaluating root traits from hydroponic conditions to soil culture conditions using root box and tubes.

Root system architecture in rice

Field experiment in Philippines

Root length measurement
by image analysis
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