International Center for Research and Education in Agriculture, Nagoya University


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Graduate students

Tropical Bioresources

Doctoral course Master's course
3 (3) 2 (2)

※The figures in parentheses are international students.

Research Topices of Doctoral course

Efficient Phosphorus management to reduce the effect of soil P-deficiency and climate induced-stress in rice crop in Sub Saharan Africa

Morpho-physiological and biochemical characterization of rice under abiotic stress

Enhancement of sago palm utilization in southern Sumatra, Indonesia

Research Topices of Master's course

Characterization and growth modeling of rice in response to abiotic stresses

Growth and physiological response of Vigna plants against abiotic stresses

Genetic Information for Bioresources

Doctoral course Master's course
2 (2) 1

※The figures in parentheses are international students.

Research Topices of Doctoral course

Control mechanisms of promoted root development by our1 mutation in rice

Genetic Improvement of Rice Root System Architecture for Drought Avoidance

Research Topices of Master's course

Molecular mechanisms of lateral root formation in response to environmental stresses in rice.

Practical Studies in Africa

Master's course research student
2 (1) 2 (2)

※The figures in parentheses are international students.

Practical Studies in Asia

research student
2 (2)

※The figures in parentheses are international students.

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