International Center for Research and Education in Agriculture, Nagoya University


Home > Journal of International Cooperation for Agricultural Development (JICAD) > Instruction for Author

Journal of International Cooperation for Agricultural Development (JICAD)

(Online) ISSN 2436-2786

Instruction for Author

1. Purpose of the publication

The agriculture, forestry, and fisheries industry is a key industry that guarantees human life. Agriculture that is responsible for the development of that industry must be a highly comprehensive academic field in which natural science and social science are integrated.
In resolving food shortages and poverty along with environmental destruction and other such problems that developing nations confront, in addition to conventional agriculture, development of technical systems suited to the locality, mutual coordination of the technical and economic aspects of agriculture, forestry, and fishery products, harmonization with the natural environment, the perspective of total analysis and utilization of regional organization, wisdom for living, and other regional resources, and fostering, from this perspective, personnel who are capable of addressing the problems on the ground are urgent issues.

In international cooperation for agricultural development, as one field of international cooperation, not only is cooperation demanded from a moral standpoint for creating global peace that serves as the foundation for the development of nations that is faithfully grounded on the fundamental principles of agriculture, of course, but also, from the standpoint of national interests of Japan and other countries, ensuring food for the world with stability, protecting the global environment, and contributing to the development of sound agricultural, mountain, and fishing villages through mutual technical cooperation and fostering of capable personnel are demanded as well.

In the field of agriculture in Japan, the scientific analysis and understanding of natural phenomena as well as advanced technologies based on these are the mainstream, and basic research into these supports activity in the field of agriculture. How to achieve international development of advanced research in agriculture, and how to utilize this to resolve global problems, are a major issue in international cooperation for agricultural development. From this point of view, increasing the number of researchers who possess understanding and desire with respect to the international development of the results of research in agriculture and cultivating young people who develop current agricultural research with an international perspective are needed.

From this point of view, the journal publishes original papers, reviews, and other papers on the following subjects: understanding of real-world images from an agronomic point of view, such as production, distribution, consumption, and the guarantee of them; global scientific/social scientific analysis of the global development of agriculture, forestry, and fishery products; the international development of agricultural research; and the possibilities of or cases using advanced research results to solve actual problems.

By accumulating such papers, this journal will organize the academic field of agricultural international cooperation and deepen the theoretical basis.

2. Types of articles

Review articles Commissioned by the editorial committee, these articles will give an overview of the knowledge and data presented thus far and periodically articulate new ways of thinking and issues. These will be posted with the consent of the Editorial Committee.
Original papers These include research papers containing unpublished data and refereed papers reporting new discoveries and ways of thinking on international cooperation in agriculture.
Working papers In the form of original papers, we will publish the issues and achievements (including intermediate results) undertaken at the site of international cooperation on agriculture and the field of agricultural education aimed at stimulating active discussion.
Field reports Written for wide dissemination of the latest data and information, these are papers that clearly show the method of collecting data and are published in a form available to other researchers and practitioners.
Globally competent human resources papers These contain information related to the formation of a career path for active participation in international society and experience and content related to international human resource development. These will be posted with the consent of the Editorial Committee.
Others This category includes additional articles that the editorial committee deems necessary.

3. Manuscript formatting

(text and table)
made using MS Word, submitted as a *.doc file
  • A4 size with 25 mm margin (top, bottom, left, and right)
  • 11-point font
  • 25 lines/page
  • Line no. for each line (left side of each page)
  • Page no. at the bottom of each page
* Three pages of an A4 size manuscript will correspond to one page of journal article in J Intl Cooper Agric Dev.
(figures, photographs)
preferably prepared in *.pdf, *.jpg, or *.ppt file format
References See the following examples.

(1) Journal article

1. Lee VH, Fields PA. (1991) Rabbit relaxin: The influence of pregnancy and ovariectomy during pregnancy on the plasma profile. Biol Reprod 45: 209-214.

(2) Book chapter

2. Desjardins C, Lopez MJ. (1980) Sensory and nonsensory modulations of testis function. In: Steinberger A, Steinberger E (eds.), Testicular Development, Structure and Function.
New York: Raven Press: 381-388.

Abstract ⏤ up to 200 words

4. Manuscript destination

Please send your manuscript to the Journal of International Cooperation for Agricultural Development(JICAD) Editorial Office,

5. Review

For all original papers, working papers, and field reports submitted, the editorial chairperson will select the editorial committee to be in charge, and the editorial committee will select one or two reviewers. Regarding the publication of peer-reviewed articles, the editorial committee will make the decision based on the reviewers' assessments.

6. ReviewSubmission Fees and Page Charges

In principle, the submission fees are free. For color photographs or figures, please consult the JICAD Editorial Office. To the extent possible, we will accept necessary color pages.

【Regulation changes will take effect in April 2021】
Authors are requested to pay submission fees and page charges as follows:
• Submission fees: 18,000 yen (No submission fee is required when the author is invited by the editorial board to contribute to JICAD).
• Extra page charges: 5,000 yen per page for articles over 6 pages (no page charge for articles of 5 pages or fewer).
• English editing: At cost. If the Editor considers it necessary, an English editing service will be ordered, and this editing fee will be imposed on the author.

7. Proofreading and Reprinting>

The initial proofreading is the responsibility of the author. please contact the secretariat about the reprinting.

【Regulation changes will take effect in April 2021】
The initial proofreading is the responsibility of the author. The author will be provided with a PDF file. If you have any questions, please contact the secretariat.

8. Copyright

The copyright of all papers and information published in the Journal of International Cooperation for Agricultural Development (JICAD) shall belong to the JICAD Editorial Committee.

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