International Center for Research and Education in Agriculture, Nagoya University


Capacity Development: through agricultural education for better life

キャリアパス 農学国際協力 J-STAGE

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2025-02-01 Achievements A new collaborative research project with French organizations was launched.
"Development of low-temperature plasma technology for sustainable agricultural production contributing to the conservation of the global environment"
2025-01-30 Achievements An article on Director Hiroshi Ehara's international sago palm research project was featured on the front page of the Tokyo Shimbun newspaper (evening edition) on January 30, 2025.
2024-11-13 Achievements Technology Catalog Contributing to Production Potential and Sustainability in the Asia-Monsoon Region Ver.3.0 Released-Featuring Newly Added Technologies from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology and Japanese Universities
2024-10-03 Achievements Professor Ehara et al.'s paper has been published in Horticulturae.
2024-09-01 Achievements Visiting Research Fellow Asano et al.'s paper has been published in Sago Palm.
2024-05-20 Achievements Prof. Ehara and his team's visit to Indonesia was covered by several media outlets there.
Tiga Profesor Jepang Kunjungi PT BAA, Ingin Kembangkan Tanaman Sagu di Indonesia. (
2024-05-19 Achievements Professor Ehara et al.'s paper has been published in Horticulturae.
2019-04-01 News Prof. Hiroshi ehara appointed as a Director.
2019-04-01 News Dr. Mana Kano-Nakata appointed as a Assistant Professor.
2018-04-01 News Reorganized from ICCAE to ICREA
2015-10-0120180331000000 News Dr. Hiroshi Ehara takes up a professorship at Division of Network Development.
2015-10-0120180331000000 News The "Staff" page has been updated.
2025-02-01 Achievements A new collaborative research project with French organizations was launched.
"Development of low-temperature plasma technology for sustainable agricultural production contributing to the conservation of the global environment"
2025-01-30 Achievements An article on Director Hiroshi Ehara's international sago palm research project was featured on the front page of the Tokyo Shimbun newspaper (evening edition) on January 30, 2025.
2024-11-13 Achievements Technology Catalog Contributing to Production Potential and Sustainability in the Asia-Monsoon Region Ver.3.0 Released-Featuring Newly Added Technologies from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology and Japanese Universities
2024-10-03 Achievements Professor Ehara et al.'s paper has been published in Horticulturae.
2024-09-01 Achievements Visiting Research Fellow Asano et al.'s paper has been published in Sago Palm.
2024-03-31 Publications The "Pamphlet vol.11" has been updated
2023-03-31 Publications The "JICAD vol.21" has been published.
(Only Japanese site)
2022-03-31 Publications The "JICAD vol.20" has been published.
(Only Japanese site)
2021-03-29 Publications The "JICAD vol.19" has been published.
(Only Japanese site)
2020-04-29 Publications The "JICAD vol.18" has been published.
(Only Japanese site)


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